DVRC Case Management
Case Managers at DVRC assist domestic violence victims from start to finish ensuring they’re ready to regain control of their lives after leaving their abuser.
DVRC Case Managers provide support to clients based on comprehensive assessments in order to provide individualized case management services to each domestic violence victim they work with. The Case Managers at DVRC can provide resources to community agencies and resources in order to help victims gain independence from their abusers.
Case Managers work with several organizations in the community for housing based on need and different criteria to determine which program is best for that client. Case Managers also run the Financial Empowerment Group* in order to help victims learn how to save and manage money for independence. Credit recovery and education are also topics discussed in order to help victims get on their feet and on the way to financial independence after leaving their abuser.

Case Managers can help fill out applications as well as assist with:
Emergency Funds for relocation
Medical Bills
DVRC Case Managers
are standing by
Crisis Advocates
Our crisis advocates are in the DVRC offices from 8 am. – 5 pm. every weekday. These advocates work by appointment, but will always strive to accommodate any walk-ins that come into the Family Advocacy Center. Crisis advocates assist victims in filing temporary orders of protection, long-term safety planning, and provide an explanation of community resources that exist for domestic violence victims. These advocates can also make referrals to community partners such as Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE), New Mexico Legal Aid (NMLA), and Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD). The communal office setting allows our entire team to collaborate together about the needs of the victim, and brainstorm creative solutions to any foreseen or unforeseen roadblocks that could be encountered between the victim and the life that he/she would like to move towards. Our advocates understand that every victim’s situation is entirely individual, and are trained in the trauma- informed approach to create a supportive environment for every experience.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, reach out for help today.
If you need immediate help, call our 24-hour hotline at (505) 248-3165.